Friday, July 20, 2012


Today was a good day. Everybody at the Commission was called to an emergency meeting in the conference room. We shuffled into the long room and filled the space around the large tables. The Commissioner was sitting at the head facing us

So in the Constitution where it provisions for the establishment of the Commission, it states that there shall be one Commissioner and two Deputy Commissioners. After the resignation of the previous Deputy Commissioner, her position had not been filled and remained empty - until now! This morning, President Atta Mills swore in Deputy Commissioner Number 2. 

The Commissioner stood up at the head of the table and welcomed the staff. Her accent is almost American. Then she introduced Mr. Joe Whittal - although instead of introducing him as the Deputy Director of the Legal and Investigative Department, she introduced him as the new Deputy Commissioner of the CHRAJ. Mr. Whittal gave a speech. He seems like a really good guy. On the way out, all three Commissioners walked by me and shook my hand. No big deal. 

Then the staff got Alvaros to celebrate (sparkling Passion Fruit juice)

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