Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today I had the best watermelon I´ve ever tasted. I bought it from the watermelon lady at the station near the CHRAJ office and brought it in to share with the others. I think tomorrow I´ll get another one.

The fruit in Ghana is really good. We eat a lot of oranges and pineapple and baby bananas - you can buy them almost anywhere, but we have one main supplier. Her name is Amina, and she sometimes gives us an extra banana because we´re pretty good customers. Recently, however, we found out that she´s been charging us more than the standard rate on oranges (20 pesawas instead of just 10 per orange) Not well played, Amina.

We also make plantains often. Tukeni is a master at getting them to the perfect crispy-ness, and the rest of us are masters at eating them. Yesterday we (Tukeni) cooked them in the candle-light because our electricity was off again

1 comment:

  1. Geht das auch mit normalen Bananen? Oder sind die zu soft?
