Friday, May 18, 2012


Fridays are always traditional-wear days at the office. I had a dress made in the Ghanaian cloth when I first came to Ghana two years ago, and was excited to wear it to the office. I´m that really tan one in the middle with my coworkers Evelyn (left) and Josephine. 

Today we worked on a report regarding capital punishment in Ghana. In 2010, UN member countries passed a moratorium on the death penalty, and early this year asked countries to report on the state and progression of the issue since the moratorium passed. While capital punishment is not banned in Ghana, no prisoner has been executed since 1993. This is the case even though several criminals have been sentenced to death since then. They remain in prison not knowing whether their sentence will ever be carried out. 

On a happier note, one of Tukeni´s friends is getting married in Accra tomorrow! Because he generously extended his invitation to all four of us interns, we will all be there celebrating with him tomorrow!


  1. Sooo pretty! Du musst dir noch so ein schönes Kleid machen lassen! :-)

  2. Love the picture! You all look so pretty! Can't wait to hear about the wedding!

  3. Hallo valerie
    Das kleid passt ja wirklich toll, kannst du ja auch zur hochzeit anziehen!
    Wird sicherlich ein tolles fest, bin ganz gespannt...

