Saturday, August 4, 2012

Good Bye, Ghana!

I think we'll come again.

But for now let's eat pizza and celebrate.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Vitamin R

Rice is really good for you. 
True, it's not readily available at every street corner, next to every street corner, in between, behind or underneath every street corner - but the nutritional benefits overshadow the struggle to find it every time. And we find it. And we cook it. And we eat it. 
And when we eat it, we eat it - 

We like rice with tomatoes and beans and onions and spices:

Or rice with chicken 

Rice with fried plantain and pepper sauce

Fried Rice with chicken in a bowl

Fried rice with chicken in a take away box

Fried rice with chicken on a purple plate

Fried rice and chicken on a white plate

Rice with goat stew and vegetables

Rice balls in stew

Plain rice in a ball

Plain rice in a pot

Plain rice with stew and egg

Fake rice (couscous)

Uncooked rice

Curry Rice with chicken

Yea, we had that twice

Mann&Hummel rice ;)

Coconut curry with white rice

Coconut curry with fried rice

Waakye (rice and beans) with Shito (pepper sauce) and Gari (cassava)

Jollof Rice and egg

Disclaimer: No rice was cooked or ordered simply for the purpose of posting it in this post ;)